2月13日,我國發布2023年中央一號文件,提出九方面重點工作全面推進鄉村振興。文件指出 ,全面建設社會主義現代化國家,最艱巨最繁重的任務仍然在農村。
China unveiled its "No. 1 central document" for 2023 on Feb 13, outlining nine tasks for comprehensively promoting rural vitalization this year. The document noted that the most arduous and heavy task of building a modern socialist country in all respects still lies in the countryside.
2月13日,21世紀以來第20個指導“三農”工作的中央一號文件發布。這份文件題為《中共中央 國務院關于做好2023年全面推進鄉村振興重點工作的意見》,全文共九個部分,包括:抓緊抓好糧食和重要農產品穩產保供、加強農業基礎設施建設、強化農業科技和裝備支撐、鞏固拓展脫貧攻堅成果、推動鄉村產業高質量發展、拓寬農民增收致富渠道、扎實推進宜居宜業和美鄉村建設、健全黨組織領導的鄉村治理體系、強化政策保障和體制機制創新。文件指出,世界百年未有之大變局加速演進,我國發展進入戰略機遇和風險挑戰并存、不確定難預料因素增多的時期,守好“三農”基本盤至關重要、不容有失。黨中央認為,必須堅持不懈把解決好“三農”問題作為全黨工作重中之重,舉全黨全社會之力全面推進鄉村振興,加快農業農村現代化。
Coordinated development between urban and rural areas and between regions should be promoted to increase the coverage of domestic circulation. We should give full play to rural areas as a consumer market and factors market and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. We should also promote urbanization with county towns as a pivot, promote integrated urban and rural development, strengthen economic ties between urban and rural areas, and smooth economic circulation between urban and rural areas.
rural infrastructure
issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
modernization of agriculture and rural areas